The Sex the Flower Listens For - These Things These ThingsJeffery OliverMay 7, 2020music, movies, gardening, birds
Perceptively Beautiful - These Things These ThingsJeffery OliverApril 23, 2020sound, audio, mathematics
What Is Waiting For Me? - These Thiings These ThingsJeffery OliverMarch 26, 2020leonard cohen, personal development
Why Can I Not Do This Thing - These Things These ThingsJeffery OliverFebruary 27, 2020writing, sunset grove film festival
These Things: To Inspire Wonder (Kind of a big announcement) These ThingsJeffery OliverJanuary 30, 2020bicycle commute, bicycle, sunset grove film festival, film
These Things: The Poem That Is Light That Is Inked in a Body These ThingsJeffery OliverJanuary 16, 2020walt whitman, frank o'hara, poet, poetry, tattoo