A Writer’s Workshop: Daily Creative Practices for Writing Stories, Poems and Non-fiction — Oct. 1, 2024 JournalJeffery OliverSeptember 25, 2024The Common Wellwriting, poetry, event
I May Be Suggesting Emily Dickinson Is a Vampire These ThingsJeffery OliverApril 8, 2021poetry, emily dickinson, music, national poetry month
Why I Am Not a Painter | A Poem by Frank O'Hara Anthology PoemsJeffery OliverApril 29, 2020frank o'hara, joe lesueur, poetry, painting
I Hear America Singing | A Poem by Walt Whitman Anthology PoemsJeffery OliverApril 8, 2020poem, poetry, walt whitman
It Happens Like This | A Poem by James Tate Anthology PoemsJeffery OliverApril 7, 2020james tate, poem, poetry
The Active Reader | A Poem by Bob Hicok Anthology PoemsJeffery OliverApril 6, 2020poem, poetry, bob hicok
That Is All, Louise Said, Except For | a poem by Mary Jo Bang Anthology PoemsJeffery OliverApril 5, 2020mary jo bang, poem, poetry
My Noiseless Entourage | a poem by Charles Simic Anthology PoemsJeffery OliverApril 4, 2020charles simic, poem, poetry, anthology poems