The Music of Fog Horns and Golden Grass
Boise Foothills. September 1, 2020.
“After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is MUSIC.”
- Aldous Huxley
Hey there lovely people! These Things inspired me recently:
The Fog Horns of San Francisco - While this is just a recording of fog horns in San Francisco from 1987, I’ve been listening to it quite a lot. It’s oddly calming.
Filmed by Bike Film Festival - September 10 - 13 online! Since 2013 the Filmed by Bike film festival present independent films about people and the bicycles that love them.
ScreenplaySubs - Watch movies and read the screenplay side by side. I haven’t tried this yet, but it looks so cool.
“7 Better Questions You Can Ask to Start a Conversation With Anyone” - I would argue that this may be the way to meet strangers who are already friends too.
“Summerland” - You will love this heartwarming WW2 story of a reclusive Englishwoman (Gemma Atherton) who learns to experience the world again with the help of a surprising intrusion into her secluded life. Also features Gugu Mbatha-Raw and Penelope Wilton. Directed by Jessica Swale.