Hello Friend
Mountain with Golden Grass. Oregon. 09.22.2020
Strangers are just friends we haven’t met yet.
- Irish saying
Hello friend (dear friend, old friend, friend I pass on the trail at 10am on Wednesdays, friend with the Biden sign, friend with the Trump sign, friend I know and friend I haven’t yet met, friend I used to wave to on the cool bicycle back when we commuted to work on bicycles, friend I greet at the Boise Co-Op some evenings looking for a bottle of wine, friend I see on Instagram, friend I only know on Instagram, friend from another life, friend from a life I’m trying to live, friend with the great singing voice, friend with the beautiful way of describing the world around you, friend I hike hills in Ashland, Oregon with, friend I can’t wait to have a beer with some day, friend who talks mushrooms with me, friend who taught me how to think like a photographer, friend who reads my poems, friend who calls me after not talking in years, friend who picks up the phone, friend who introduced me to friends), I miss you, I’m thinking of you. Hope you’re well.