Looking Into Space and Finding the Light
“The most important tool the artist fashions through constant practice is faith in his ability to produce miracles when they are needed.” - Mark Rothko
Along a Lake in Late Fall
I’m a huge fan of Mark Rothko’s color field paintings. I remember the first time I went to the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art and saw his “No. 14, 1960”–it stopped me. It literally took my breath. These are obviously colorful paintings with organic shapes and there’s technique and layers, but until I stood there in front of that huge painting...
Rothko’s paintings soothe me to look at them. There’s a better way to write that sentence and I remember too something I read years ago that Rothko’s idea was to build portals of light so that G-d could see us here on Earth again. This was after World War II.
Similarly, the musician John Zorn talks of playing music to tear a hole in the heavens in order to communicate directly with G-d. I especially love his “Electric Masada” album and the tune “Kariam.”
What is this pull I feel this time of year when the sun slides silently across the southern sky and I have to look within to find the light? How do I find the time and space to see it for what it is, this miracle of being human with you now?
These Things too inspired me recently:
“Urban Freeride Lives 3” - Fabio Wibmer cruising through Paris on a mountain bike. Want to ride with Fabio, you’ll have to take the stairs. I love watching this dude ride a bicycle.
Kabuki Star Wars - Yep, watch “The Force Awakens” and “The Last Jedi” reinterpreted by Japan’s most famous Kabuki actor.
“New Space Music” - by Brian Eno is super great ambient music to work to or think to or meditate to or to…
Building a Workbench - I know, who would think that watching Laura build out this workbench could be so satisfying. The music isn’t great, but it’s really cool to see an artist applying her craft practically.