Snow Season
“In the dark, all cats are black.”
— John Cage
I love the light coming back and the snow too this time of year seems appropriate even looking up to the mountains in May we may not find the snow so odd in places we’d love to walk through but for now I’ll look out the window at the snow and remember the smiles and lightness it brought to the neighborhood a couple of weeks ago when people went outside in robes or parkas and big boots to shovel a little bit and for a moment seeing the snow falling we felt together a wonder of winter.
Haiku 519
Even my old friends
Seem like newly met strangers
In this first snowfall.
— Richard Wright (1960)
These things too inspired me recently:
8 must-see stargazing events to watch in 2022. Maybe it’s early to share this one but it’s so exciting to know we’ll be able to see planets in alignment starting in March!
Inside a hollow library book, a secret library. “When a Victoria librarian pulled a book off the shelf at the central branch this summer, a mystery began.” Fun to see that people still believe in the mystery of words on paper.
Jason Isbell Is Tired Of Country’s Love Affair With White Nostalgia. “I think it’s possible to acknowledge that you have benefited from a system that’s unequal without feeling shame or even guilt from it.” This is very truly one of the most inspiring (longer) articles I’ve read in a long, long time. At least read the beginning and cruise through the headings and images. It’s super cool what Isbell is doing to bring people into the light. Oh yeah, you’ll want to listen to any of his albums too—amazing songwriter. Maybe my favorite songwriter of all time.