Ok, So Action Expresses Priorities
It’s not that life is short, it’s that we waste a lot of it. - Seneca
Action expresses priorities. - Ghandi
Yes, this is a two-quote edition of these things and because I hear myself say things more than I see myself do things and so these quotes get at this acutely though I also often find intentionality in that the saying of things leads to the doing of things and after rereading “The War of Art” by Steven Pressfield and hearing him on several podcasts recently, realize again that there is more evidence in my life to support that I’ll find success or some pleasure in simply getting started on the doing things and that the work is what I love anyway more than the having a thing like with writing for example it’s not that I want to make poems so much as I love the process of writing poems ah but yes the rub of course is that being creative is fun and that the editing part of making poems kicks my ass up to my third chakra and I often feel like I have nothing to say but then somehow another run on sentence emerges and I’m at least grateful for a moment of low risk writing that I hope someone finds a little amusement in if not some inspiration like I found by finally (and yes, this is the thing I said I would announce in the last edition) getting set up on Fiverr to do some voice over work which I’m excited about but not as excited as I am about a book I’m narrating and hope to have done by Halloween so in the meantime these things inspired me recently:
Mathematicians Discover the Perfect Way to Multiply. No, this isn’t a joke about procreation.
Clever Paper Cutouts by Paperboyo Transform Architecture and Landmarks into Amusing Scenes. OMG! These are awesome. Thanks for sending this to us Erin!
Benefits of Drinking Water. Yeah, yeah, but it’s cool how this article describes the effects of hydration on our bodies.
The Best Password Managers. Someone recommended that I should use a password manager and I pay about $20 a year for one that I love and it literally changed my life. I don’t even know my passwords anymore. I feel lighter, like there’s more room in my life for poetry, and long walks at golden hour, just me and my camera, J wondering where I am...maybe that’s going too far.
The Cramps Legendary Concert at a California Psychiatric Hospital Gets Revisited in the New Documentary, “We Were There to Be There:” Watch It Online. I haven’t seen this documentary yet but the story of this 1978 concert at the Napa State Hospital is really cool. I think of all the art and music therapists I know and how this work is too often underrated in our country.