These Things: How Do I Have This Music?
The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge, but imagination. - Albert Einstein
There is a bass line stuck in my head that somehow escapes through my lungs and voice and I hear myself humming and hearing the steady arpeggiated chords played on a synthesizer. If I lightly clench my teeth and force the air through, it almost sounds like the sound I remember or think I remember hearing. I use my tongue against the roof of my mouth to add a type of plosive, lingual plosive, for percussive effect on the attack of each note. I imagine I am a synthesizer, that this tune came from inside me. No, that this tune came from a space inside me that when I’m working to evolve as a human being I connect with. I imagine this space, this self, my-self, as a concentric overlapping of other selves, or consciousnesses, or fundamental frequencies as I understand from my limited understanding of Jungian psychology. I’m pretty sure this bass line comes from the program ad for Echoes on PRI radio but it’s also inside me somewhere.
These things too inspired me or helped me recently:
I’ve been, we’ve been, wanting to find a yoga practice but that we can do at home on our own time and floor and have been recommended to Yoga with Adriene online and the Yoga Studio app.
And then, a woman named Rafaelia who I do not know emailed me a joke about a yogi and a vacuum cleaner to introduce me to her Yoga practice using Yoga Blocks which looks super cool and easy to follow. I admire people who can articulate an idea so well. Thanks Rafaelia!
“Self-Hacking: The One Habit Separates The Successful From The Rest” - Cool thoughts on being successful since, as Hemingway said, “time is the thing we have the least of,” so we’ve recently started the Rich Roll Plant Power Meal Planner so we don’t have to, “I don’t know, what do you want to do for dinner?” all night every night.
What is fair use? - I’ve been working on some ideas that require using other works of art or research and this video was super helpful for me to understand how to legally re-present the works of others.
Brandon Semenuk rides a mountain bike in Utah. No, you’ve never seen anyone ride a bike like this.