These Things: On Choosing Books, 15-Minute Workouts, and Conversation Secrets
Outside a place called Winnemucca, Nevada. 12.30.2018
“Try not to become a man of success, rather become a man of value.” - Albert Einstein
Happy New Year! These things inspired me recently:
“The 15-Minute Workout You Can Do Anywhere” - I love this simplicity of this workout! It seems especially helpful for folks who have to travel a lot because there’s no gear required.
“How to Choose Books You’ll Actually Read” - I’ve written about making a reading plan, here’s the other part of that. It’s pretty basic, but if you’re in a reading rut or feel obligated to read particular books, this may help.
“Vintage Secrets to Being a Good Conversationalist” - So many good bits here if you’re like me and have difficulty engaging in small talk. Also good tips on remembering the names of people you’ve just met.
The Morning Ride Pedal Powered Podcast
I’m really excited about season 3 of The Morning Ride Pedal Powered Podcast! It feels like it’s become what it is: a personal journal experience where I talk through how I’m working to evolve as a filmmaker, poet, and human being while riding a bicycle.
3.5 - I’m Not Feeling It Today
3.4 - My Routine as Baseline for New Year’s Resolution Success
3.1 - The Day the Earth Stands Still Santa Eats a Psychedelic Shroom
So until, Jeff O.