These Things: All This Beautiful Music and What is Success To You?
Sunrise Over the Boise River. September 11, 2018.
“The road to success is always under construction.” - Lily Tomlin
What a great quote, but success is such a strange word. For example, generally in the United States when we hear someone is successful, we can put a number on it in terms of dollars. I don’t understand this and who chooses the numbers?
For me, success is when I’ve got my shit together so I can work on creative projects. So, yeah, I fall in and out of success all the time. But I’m finding ways to make this more sustainable. In the meantime:
Here’s what I’m listening to right now. It’s just a YouTube playlist with some Agnes Obel, Dolly Parton’s “Jolene” but slowed down, Tom Waits, “I Hope That I Don’t Fall in Love With You”--so good, Olafur Arnalds and Alice Sara Ott with a remix of Chopin, and finally a David Lang setting of poems from Song of Solomon used as part of the soundtrack to the film “Youth.”
You gotta go see “BlakKklansman.” Ok, now that you’ve seen it--wasn’t it fantastic(!)? I love how Spike Lee weaves in the contemporary thread with this true story from the seventies.
Riding a bicycle means different things to different people so here’s “A Brief History of Jumping the Tour de France.”
Ernest Hemingway wrote that “time is the thing we have the least of” so here’s “7 Things You Need to Stop Doing to be More Productive.” And one of these is as simple as saying “I don’t…” rather than “I can’t…”
The Morning Ride Podcast
The podcast is on hiatus until I can figure some things with it. It seems like too much so I’m trying to figure another frequency pattern and some content guidelines so it’s not just some monkey babbling on his bicycle. Which it will only ever be of course ;)
I hope you have a fantastic ride. I mean day. I hope you have a fantastic day. If you love riding a bicycle, get on a bicycle. What’s your bicycling? I hope you get a moment for it today.