These Things: Being Light and the Delta Blues Came from a Catalog
Civic Center Sky. San Francisco. Oct. 24, 2018
“The sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being.”
—Carl Jung
Hello Lovely People of the Planet!
I’m in San Francisco today for a little bit of bicycle tattoo work. But I ran across These Things recently that really inspired me. I hope these inspire you too.
Be the Light, or Redirect it - this from Austin Kleon is really worth reading--super short too--two minutes of your time and you’ll likely feel a little calmer after.
Sears, Jim Crow, and the Delta Blues - OMG! This is so freaking cool! Jennifer told me she read an article about part of the mission of Sears and here’s another story. Just people doing the right thing (IMHO).
I love this bit from Patti Smith on “Little Women” and library books from the Paris Review.
The Morning Ride Podcast
The Morning Ride Podcast (Season 2) is a personal journalish kind of thing with some nuggets dropped in. I record this while riding my bicycle to the office every Monday and Thursday. Recently:
2.8 (This one gets uploaded later today. And not from the commute.)
2.6 Gnostic Gospels, Archetypes, and False Info about Carl Jung
Oh yeah, if you love riding a bicycle, get out on a bicycle. Of course, your bicycle may be sewing, or watching baseball. Whatever it is, I hope you get a chance to enjoy your ride today. It’s the only one we have.
Jeff O.