A Writer’s Workshop: Daily Creative Practices for Writing Stories, Poems and Non-fiction — Oct. 1, 2024

Tuesday, Oct. 1, 2024, 6 - 7:30 p.m.
The Common Well Boise (Google Maps)
110 W. 31st Street in Garden City, Idaho

Aurora Stone Mehlman, William Guy Miller and Jeffery Oliver will lead this free workshop and craft talk on how writers can learn and create new daily practices to improve their craft and creative output. Writers of any age are invited to bring paper and pens/pencils to write through exercises with the artists in this interactive workshop and craft talk.

The workshop is FREE and no reservation is necessary. Mhelman, Miller and Oliver present this workshop as part of their residency with the Alexa Rose Foundation and The Common Well Boise.

Aurora Stone Mhelman is an author and professor at Boise State University and College of Western Idaho and calls Boise home. Mehlman's fiction is lyrical and poetic, mysterious and magical. Her characters breathe and exist indelibly in the reader's consciousness.

William Guy Miller is a Boise-based writer of long format fiction involving immersive field and text- based research. His work focuses on character and conflict as functions of physical and cultural landscapes, specific times and places, and related issues of agency, identity, consequence, and language.

Multimedia poet and photographer Jeffery Oliver grew up and received his bachelor of arts in music in Arkansas; worked as a musician, arts administrator and web designer in the San Francisco Bay area; earned an MFA in Creative Writing and Literary Arts at the University of Alaska Anchorage where he began creating multimedia poetry works; and continues to create poetry experiences in Boise, Idaho. Oliver creates immersive multimedia poetry experiences utilizing digital, analog and alternative processes that combine text, photography, voice over, field recordings and music. His poems have appeared in print and digital literary journals, as videopoems in online journals, as installations in art galleries and as live performances across the United States.

Miller and Oliver have new artworks in the “Show & Tell” residency exhibition currently on view at The Common Well Boise. All works are for sale through the gallery which is open Monday-Friday, 9am - 5pm through Oct. 4, 2024.