Oregon and Getting Unstuck


The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are so certain of themselves and wiser people so full of doubts.

- Bertrand Russell

I’ve been away and otherwise inspired by the beautiful Pacific Northwest Coast in Oregon and some of the unique but lovely pinot noirs from near there and making photos and collecting audio along a beach and still wrestling Resistance since the finger event but spring brings a feeling of newness and second vaccinations so it’s these things that have inspired me recently:

  • The War of Art - I’m reading again Steven Pressfield’s “The War of Art” because I forget it’s ok to pursue art and this book is super helpful for getting me unstuck.

  • Getting Unstuck - I’m finding this 21-day meditation series with Oprah and Deepak Chopra super helpful as a mid-morning break from the stresses of a day job and life and learning again how to live an artful life.

  • Reich, Adams, and Pärt - I’ve been listening this week to some of my favorite new music recordings that I was introduced to in college by a poetry professor (thank you Dr. Ritchie!) including Steve Reich’s “Tehillim,” John Adams’ “Shaker Loops,” and Arvo Pärt’s “Fratres” with Maria Bachman (choose your favorite version, so many good ones).

  • Music from the films of Paolo Sorrentino - These are a lovely experience outside of the films as well. I’m dropping YouTube videos of our favorite music from his films into this playlist.

I’m not sure why but I started dropping some writing on Medium. For now it’s things we’ve shared together here and poems from my website because it’s easy to copy and paste these. I have some ideas but ideas don’t mean much without someone making them into sentences.